RTS INSTRUMENTS S.R.L. RTS Instruments provides radiation measuring equipment and radiological monitoring systems to nuclear, research and environmental customers worldwide. The company is based in Rome, Italy, and its staff has been working in the field since long time. The products, developed and manufactured by RTS, are exclusive property of the company and include devices and systems for measuring and monitoring all types of radioactive contaminants of air and water as well as radioactive emissions including gamma dose-rate, neutrons and natural radioactivity. The main customer groups include nuclear power plants and facilities, research centers, civil defence, military organizations, health and environmental institutions. RTS equipment has been supplied all over the world with satisfied customers and repetitive business indicative of field-proven, advanced, and reliable technologies. RTS uses highly qualified subcontractors for basic manufacturing activities and for overseas site assistance, while directly controls the key phases of production, tests and project management. Large projects are implemented with highly qualified partners.
ELSE NUCLEAR S.R.L.. Else Nuclear designs and manufactures a wide range of radiation detection systems for many applications: environmental radiological monitoring, radiation protection, waste management, nuclear plant decommissioning, nuclear medicine, industry and physical research. Within this competitive market, the company’s offer is not limited to standard products, but also includes devices and systems tailored to specific customer requirements, able to meet otherwise unattainable needs. The company supplies its products to industries, steel mills, scrap metal treatment centers, nuclear plants, research reactors, particle accelerators and hospitals. The main products are environmental monitoring systems, spectrometry systems, portable detectors and dosimeters, range and neutron detectors, radiometric portals for the control of vehicles and wagons on railway scales, gamma radiation monitors for materials in transit, the radiometric portals for pedestrians and hospital waste. These portals are equipped with large surface and high sensitivity plastic scintillators for the detection of gamma and neutron radiation and are configurable to adapt to the type of monitored media. Finally, these portals integrate advanced systems for controlling the transit speed and easily interface with digital image reading systems (movement recognition, license plates, etc.), environmental monitoring and with external devices such as signalling devices.
MONEMA S.R.L.. Monema was born as Devise.It, a company that has been operating since 2009 mainly in the Opensource Database sector, particularly aimed at the PostgreSQL world, with a focus on the creation of migration tools from proprietary software, backup solutions for distributed databases and contribution to the PostgreSQL project patching and tool development. MONEMA Srl was born in 2016 with the aim of offering systems skills in Linux / Unix and enterprise web software development with particular attention to integration between systems. MONEMA collaborated on the Mosè project, an Industry 4.0 project in the nautical sector aimed at the construction of the “smart” tourist port.
GLOBAL SERVICE S.R.L.. Global Service was founded in 2001 as an installation and testing company for electrical systems. Over the years we have expanded our activities in all sectors of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of port, industrial and civil systems, as well as in the rental of lifting equipment. With the support of a mechanical, carpentry and electronics workshop located at the “Amerigo Vespucci” Tuscan Interport and thanks to a staff of up-to-date and specialized technicians, we are able to satisfy every request of an electrical, electronic, mechanical nature in real time. , carpenter and hydraulic. We have a fleet of mobile workshops of 14 units, trucks with low-bed trailers, people cells, generators and light towers, as well as three detached units at the major terminals of Livorno, Genoa and Trieste, where the experience of Full-Rental has led to a fleet of machines for handling containers – reachstackers, empty containers, forklifts and trucks – of over 40 units. The versatility and dynamism, as well as the constant attention to quality, safety at work and compliance with environmental regulations have allowed us to emerge as a point of reference both in Italy and abroad. Particular commitment has always been placed in staff training, investing many resources in the development and professional growth of each member of the company.
INFN – PISA. INFN is the national public research body, supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of the subject and the laws that govern them. INFN carries out research, theoretical and experimental, in the fields of subnuclear and astro-particle physics. INFN research activities are all carried out in the context of international competition, in collaboration with the most important research laboratories and institutes in the world, and in close collaboration with the Italian and international university world, on the basis of consolidated and decades-long relationships. Fundamental research in these sectors requires the use of cutting-edge research technologies and tools that INFN develops both in its own laboratories and in collaboration with the world of industry. INFN is at the forefront of exploring the new frontiers of research on radiation and particle detectors and associated electronics. The research and development fields mainly concern high-energy and high-intensity electron accelerators, proton and ion accelerators for the production of particle beams used in research in subnuclear physics and for numerous industrial and medical applications. The Pisa Section of the INFN, with its over 100 employees, including researchers, technicians and administrators, and over 250 associates, is one of the largest and most active in Italy.
CNIT – PISA. CNIT (National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications) is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 and recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), which carries out research, innovation and advanced training in the broad ICT sector. CNIT is consortium of 37 universities, in addition to 8 research units at the CNR, for a total of 45 research units. CNIT also has six of its own National Laboratories: Multimedia Communications, in Naples; Radar and Surveillance Systems, in Pisa; Photonic Networks and Technologies, in Pisa; Intelligent and Secure Networks, in Genoa; Advanced Optical Fibers, in L’Aquila; Wireless Communications, in Bologna / Cesena / Ferrara. More than 1300 professors and researchers belonging to the consortium universities belong to the CNIT and more than 100 researchers and technicians work as employees. CNIT has participated in hundreds of national and international research projects. In the European H2020 program, CNIT obtained 48 projects and coordinated 11 of them. The revenues of the CNIT derive from competitive funding programs and from private contracts. CNIT also has extensive experience in organizing scientific events and conferences. The transfer of innovation generated by the university system to companies is a priority mission of CNIT. CNIT works to facilitate cooperation between the consortium universities and to promote collaborations between the universities themselves and other research bodies and national and foreign industries, with particular attention to the definition, promotion and implementation of innovative and significant projects. CNIT is active in many aspects related to 5G: i) participates in and coordinates several EU H2020 projects on 5G; four of these projects ranked first in their respective rankings; ii) was an elected member of 5GPPP (https://5g-ppp.eu/), an initiative that unites the European Commission and the ICT sector in Europe to finance the new generation of networks with € 1.4 billion and telecommunications services; iii) participates in the MISE 5G trial in the Milan metropolitan area; iv) participates in EU H2020 projects on 5G applications, including autonomous vehicles and intelligent transport systems.
UNIVERSITY OF PISA. The University of Pisa is one of the most prestigious universities in Italy and Europe and is involved in many European Projects, about 80 in FP7 and over 200 in H2020, of MIUR, about 80 PRIN only in 2017, and of the Tuscany Region. The Departments of Physics and Engineering have over 300 professors, researchers and technicians engaged in basic and applied research that they develop on a broad spectrum also through robust participation in national and international collaborations with the most prestigious laboratories, research institutions and industries in Italy. and abroad. In particular, in the field of nuclear, sub-nuclear physics and nuclear engineering, the University of Pisa works in close collaboration with the INFN, participating in the construction, implementation, implementation, operation and data analysis of the most important experiments currently in existence in the most important nuclear and sub-nuclear physics laboratories in the world, CERN in Geneva, Fermilab in the United States, the PSI in Zurich and J-Parc in Japan, and with many industries in the nuclear and environmental protection sector and nuclear plants in Italy and abroad. IRMA will exploit the in-depth expertise gained in the development of radiation detection techniques and in the data analysis methods based on artificial intelligence used by the researchers involved in these experiments.